Can I Go to Your House to Sweep the Floor?

(Cleaning Services were provided together with Wang Xiyang and Qin Yanan and cleaning robots)

Installation View, Door-to-Door Cleaning Service, Robot Vacuums, Floor plans, Videos, 2021

“Can I Go to Your House to Sweep the Floor?“ provided door-to-door cleaning services to female residents of Lianshi using robotic vacuum devices. The robots learn the layout of these domestic locations, building memories of ‘home’. When transferred to the exhibition environment, the robots clean according to their remembered domestic service. Displaced from their familiar setting, crashing into one another they vocalize their sense of loss and confusion in an anguished “I can’t find my way home, come to help me.”

Installation View from the top
Floor Plans Collected By Robots; Cleaning Routes

Robot Vacuums working and generating floor plans

Documentations of robot vacuums working

In a local resident’s home

In a pet clinic

In a recycling station

The view from a robot vacuum’s perspective